The first association in the parenthesis is leading the joint symposium
The full IUGG 2019 searchable scientific program is now online
JG01 - Interactions of Solid Earth, Ice Sheets and Oceans (IAG, IACS, IASPEI)
Convener: Matt King (Australia, IACS/IAG)
Co-Conveners: Pippa Whitehouse (UK, IACS/IAG), Martin Horwath (Germany, IAG), Bert Wouters (Netherlands, IACS), Anya Reading (Australia, IASPEI)
Measurements of solid Earth, sea-level and ice-sheet change are influenced by a complex interaction of processes occurring over a large range of spatial and temporal scales. Proxy observations that constrain past ice sheets are influenced by glacial isostatic adjustment and changing mantle dynamic topography. Present-day observations of solid Earth deformation in one location are affected by present and past changes in global surface loading. Recent work highlights the role that solid Earth deformation has to play in controlling ice-sheet change, while seismological investigations are revealing crucial spatial variations in Earth rheology. In this symposium, we showcase model- and data-driven efforts to understand feedbacks between surface load changes and the solid Earth over all timescales.
Topics include:
JG02 - Theory and Methods of Potential Fields (IAG, IAGA)
Convener: Dimitrios Tsoulis (Greece, IAG)
Co-Conveners: Sten Claessens (Australia, IAG), Maurizio Fedi (Italy, IAGA)
Heterogeneous datasets of increasing spatial resolution, describing the shape and structure of the Earth and other celestial bodies, are currently available, as well as their gravity and magnetic fields at different scales, from near to the surface to satellite altitudes. This brings about new developments in the theory and methods of potential fields. Densely sampled Digital Elevation Models, global crustal models and the abundance of potential field models, now beyond degree and order 5480, provide a dynamic framework for revisiting and updating the methodological apparatus dealing with the theoretical and numerical aspects of potential functions and of their spatial derivatives. The symposium welcomes contributions falling into this topic and deal with new theoretical or methodological advances in potential fields. Terrain modeling and reductions at all spatial scales, spherical harmonic analysis and synthesis, spheroidal and ellipsoidal harmonics, ultra-high degree/order expansions, and analytical, numerical and multiresolution techniques in potential field modeling are some of the encouraged keywords. Also welcomed are contributions about the interpretation/inversion of potential fields and their ability to reconstruct the sources of the anomalies.
JG03 - Near-Real Time Monitoring of Regional to Global Scale Water Mass Changes (IAG, IAHS)
Convener: Adrian Jäggi (Switzerland, IAG)
Co-Conveners: Rodrigo Abarca Del Río (Chile, IAG), Andreas Güntner (Germany, IAHS), Augusto Getirana (USA, IAHS), Fabrice Papa (France, IAHS)
Changes in continental water storage (liquid water, snow or ice) control the regional water budget, are fundamental for assessing water resources, and may trigger hydrological extreme events (floods and droughts) that often claim a high toll on infrastructure, economy and human lives. Satellite gravimetry such as the past GRACE mission and the currently operating GRACE Follow-On mission (GRACE-FO) has been shown to be a unique monitoring concept to describe large-scale water storage variations and hydrological extreme events. To use the mass redistribution products from satellite gravimetry for the rapid monitoring of hydrological extreme events and for hydrological forecasting, the time resolution of these products has recently been increased and in parallel the latency decreased, essentially towards near real-time.
In this symposium we aim to bring together the satellite gravimetry and other remote sensing techniques with the hydrology community to exploit the near real-time monitoring of water mass changes. We solicit presentations on the latest achievements on generating and assessing near real-time mass redistribution products from GRACE/GRACE-FO, or on using these data for describing hydrological extremes or for early-warning and forecasting applications of extremes and water resources, also including longer time scales such as seasonal forecasts of river discharge and other hydrological variables. Presentations to complement ground-based networks with satellite-based observation methods for near-real time water storage monitoring at large scales, including altimetry, optical or radar data, for instance, are welcome as well.
JG04 - Geodesy for Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Climate Research (IAG, IAMAS, IACS, IAPSO)
Convener: Annette Eicker (Germany, IAG)
Co-Conveners: Rosa Paccione (Italy, IAG), Sonia Seneviratne (Switzerland, IAMAS), Stephen Price (USA, IACS), Benoit Meyssignac (France, IAPSO)
Invited Speakers: Anny Cazenave (France), Natalya Gomez (Canada), Gottfried Kirchengast (Austria)
The growing record of (space-)gravimetric and geodetic data (GRACE, GNSS, radar altimetry, InSAR, VLBI, tide gauges…) provides a new view on Essential Climate Variables such as tropospheric water vapor, water storage and ice mass changes, steric and barystatic sea level, sea surface winds, waves, sea ice extent/thickness, or the Earth’s energy imbalance. These observations have the advantage to be globally homogeneous, and independent from other data commonly used to develop and evaluate climate models.
Geodetic time series reveal a complex picture of natural climate variability, long-term climate change and anthropogenic modifications. Combined with other observations or re-analyses, they provide excellent tools to assess climate models and improve our understanding of land- and ocean-atmosphere interactions.
We invite contributions dealing with (1) using geodetic data to characterize, analyse, and understand current climate change, (2) evaluating climate models against geodetic data, (3) using these data to constrain and improve climate projections, (4) creating long and consistent geodetic time series, (5) climate modelling of geodetically observable variables, and (6) the prospects of future missions.
JG05 - Remote Sensing and Modelling of the Atmosphere (IAG, IAGA, IAMAS, IAVCEI )
Convener: Michael Schmidt (Germany, IAG)
Co-Conveners: Lung-Chih Tsa (Taiwan, IAG), Robert Heinkelmann (Germany, IAG), Claudia Stubenrauch (France, IAMAS), Veronika Barta (Hungary, IAGA), Arnau Folch (Spain, IAVCEI)
Satellite observations provide a continuous survey of our planet’s surrounding atmosphere, which is structured into distinct layers, according to e.g. temperature or charge state.
Ionosphere, plasmasphere and thermosphere are manifestations of space weather; its impacts and risks are gaining more and more importance in politics and sciences, since our modern society is highly depending on space-borne techniques, e.g. for communication and positioning.
Stratosphere and troposphere and their constituents are essential for life on our planet, and tropospheric water vapour is source of clouds and of precipitation, which in turn affect the large-scale circulation through heat transfer. The synergistic use of different instruments and modelling is leading to major advances in the understanding of our climate.
This symposium invites contributions on advances in observing and understanding our atmosphere – from troposphere to magnetosphere. Specific topics are:
JG06 - Monitoring Sea Level Changes by Satellite and In-Situ Measurements (IAG, IAPSO)
Convener: Xiaoli Deng (Australia, IAG)
Co-Conveners: Fabio Raicich (Italy, IAPSO)
As the climate continues to warm, it is important to precisely measure sea level changes and its different components at both global and regional scales. This IAG-led Joint Symposium JG6 symposium invites contributions from studies that monitor and observe sea level changes on multiple scales employing satellite altimetry, GNSS at tide gauges, GNSS reflectometry, airborne laser scanning, satellite gravimetry and in-situ measurements.
Topics to be covered, but not limited to, include (1) precise mapping and monitoring of the sea level variability on different time and spatial scales; (2) relationship between the sea levels from satellite altimeters (since 1993) and terrestrial water storage estimates from GRACE satellites (since 2002); (3) separation of inter-annual and decadal-scale sea level variability from now 25-year altimeter records for a robust estimate of the long-term sea level trends; (4) climate contributions to sea level rise, and (5) the estimation of the sea level budget.
JG07 - Monitoring, Imaging and Mapping of Volcanic Belts (IAG, IAGA, IASPEI, IAVCEI )
Convener: José Fernardez (Spain, IAG)
Co-Conveners: Patrick Whelley (USA, IAVCEI), Mark Bebbington (New Zealand, IAVCEI), Jacob Richardson (USA, IAVCEI), Martyn Unsworth (Canada, IAGA), Philippe Jousset (Germany, IASPEI), Simone Cesca (Germany, IASPEI)
A range of important geological processes occur beneath volcanic belts. Subsurface fluxes of magma and hydrothermal fluids have generated both the continental and oceanic crust and formed many mineral deposits. However, the crustal structure of volcanic belts is not fully understood. This symposium seeks to advance this research area by gathering researchers studying the subsurface structure of active volcanic systems. We welcome all contributions that present (a) geophysical studies of volcanic belts and (b) geological studies that seek to interpret geophysical models in terms of laboratory experiments, (c) Geodetic measurements, imaging and topography of volcanic belts, and (d) multidisciplinary studies on volcanic belts.
JG08 - Earth Systems Literacy: Geophysics in K-16 Class Rooms, Outreach Projects, and Citizen Science Research Projects (IAG, IASPEI, IAVCEI)
Convener: Katherine Boggs (Canada, IASPEI)
Co-Conveners: Maite Agopian (USA, IASPEI), Beth Bartal (USA, IAVCEI), Josef Zens (Germany, IAG), Chris King (UK, IUGS-COGE)
Earth systems are complex and public awareness is critical for balancing societal demands for minerals and water with sound environmental practices, as well as building resilience to natural hazards and a changing climate. Increasingly over the past decade large geophysical programs such as EarthScope, SINOPROBE, IPOC, AlpArray and AusLAMP have produced “Big Data” which is becoming more and more openly available for teaching in K-16 classrooms and citizen science research programs. Strong partnerships between scientists, data scientists, teachers and non-academic communities are critical for successfully guiding such citizen scientist and educator use of these data products. Such approaches are important for both recruiting the geophysicists of the future and for developing critical skills for our future generations. Key among these skills is the ability to assess and recheck claims made about environmental issues by interested parties, thus enabling evidence-based decision-making processes. This symposium invites contributions from scientists, educators, communicators and those who design, facilitate, fund or deliver such programs.
IUGG 2019 Conference Secretariat JPdL International
Canada, USA: