The full IUGG 2019 searchable scientific program is now online
M01 - Cloud-Precipitation-Aerosol
Convener: Greg McFarquhar (USA)
Co-conveners: Darrel Baumgardner (USA/Mexico), Corinna Hoose (Germany), George Isaac (Canada), Harald Kunstmann (Germany), Tom Lachlan-Cope (UK), Yangang Liu (USA), Julie Theriault (Canada), Sue Van Den Heever (USA)
Papers are solicited on theoretical, observational and numerical modelling studies of cloud and precipitation microphysics, aerosols, chemistry and dynamics. The following topics (list non exhaustive) will be covered: Basic cloud and precipitation physics (including cloud condensation nuclei and ice nucleating particles and primary and secondary ice formation processes); Dynamics, microphysics and aerosol/chemistry in different type of clouds (fog, boundary layer, convective, severe storms, mid-level stratus, cirrus,..); cloud electrification; aerosol/cloud/precipitation interaction; clouds, aerosols and climate (including radiative properties of clouds); measurement techniques and instrument development; planned and inadvertent weather and climate modification.
A special session within the symposium will be dedicated to the memory of two distinguished cloud physicists, Prof. Roland List and Prof. John Hallett, whom we have lost in the last year. In addition to long and successful careers in atmospheric science, both were foremost gentleman of science and great educators who promoted and enhanced the careers of many students and colleagues. Contributions from students, colleagues and friends of Profs. List and Hallett are especially encouraged for this special session. Anyone wishing to have their abstract included in this session should indicate List/Hallett session on their submitted abstract. Additional special sessions within the symposium are planned on polar clouds and on precipitation and hydrological aspects. Papers on these topics are also solicited.
M02 - First Results From the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP)
Convener: Amelie Kirchgaessner (UK)
Co-conveners: Tom Bracegirdle (UK), Annick Terpstra (Norway), Holger Schmithusen (Germany)
The climate system in the Polar Regions has changed rapidly over recent decades. Predictions show continued dramatic changes in all components of the polar climate system due to anthropogenic climate change drivers. In addition, ongoing increases in transportation and economic activity are leading to growing demand for improved regional weather and broader environmental prediction information in the Polar Regions.
Significant improvements in environmental prediction capabilities for the Polar Regions, and beyond, are required to meet these demands. A major initiative towards achieving this is The Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP), which is the flagship activity of Polar Prediction Project (PPP). It provides a period of coordinated intensive observing, modelling, verification, user-engagement and education activities.
For this symposium we invite all contributions from the Year of Polar Prediction, particularly reports and first results from recent field campaigns in the Arctic and Antarctic. In line with the interdisciplinary nature of YOPP we encourage contributions that connect the atmosphere with the ocean, cryosphere and biosphere.
M03 - Future Evolution of the Polar Atmospheres
Convener: John Turner (UK)
Co-conveners: Tom Bracegirdle (UK), David Reusch (USA)
Papers are invited on how the atmospheres of the Arctic and Antarctic may evolve in the future on decadal to centennial timescale. This symposium will consider the impacts of changes in greenhouse gas concentrations, stratospheric ozone, ocean conditions, aerosols, land surface characteristics and sea ice. We will consider a range of atmospheric phenomena, such as storm tracks, synoptic and mesoscale weather systems, clouds, teleconnections, large-scale patterns of variability and extreme events. We welcome studies based on global, coupled climate models, limited-area regional models and idealised models. Papers are invited on early results from the CMIP6 model runs.
M04 - Polar Atmospheric Instrumentation
Convener: Matthew Lazzara (USA), Tracy Moffat-Griffin (UK)
There are many ways to study and characterise the atmosphere, from the use of ground-based instrumentation and balloons to satellite observations. This symposium welcomes submissions that cover different atmospheric instrument approaches to studying the depth of the polar atmosphere: the surface, the troposphere and beyond. New atmospheric instrumentation and their results, new analysis techniques or planned projects/observational research campaigns will be highlighted. Observational studies that feature polar instrumentation applications are also encouraged in this symposium.
M05 - Polar Modelling (Polar CORDEX)
Convener: Andrew Orr (UK)
Co-conveners: John Cassano (USA), Annette Rinke (Germany)
The climate of the Polar regions has experienced significant changes over recent decades. Regional information on variability and change of the Polar climate is urgently needed but often deemed unreliable. The Polar CORDEX (COordinated Regional Downscaling EXperiment) project was initiated to develop regional climate downscaling of both the Arctic and the Antarctic to provide an accurate description of regional-to-local scale climate phenomena and their variability and changes. We encourage submissions that advance understanding of the processes that control polar climate variability in regional climate models. We also encourage submissions that examine model evaluation, coupled modelling, projections, and impact studies. This symposium also aims to promote stakeholder/user engagement.
M06 - Middle Atmosphere Science
Conveners: Bernd Funke (Spain), Elisa Manzini (Germany)
The Symposium covers all aspects of middle atmospheric science, with emphasis on the interaction between dynamics, radiation and chemistry within the middle atmosphere itself and between the middle atmosphere and the troposphere. Observational, modeling, theoretical, and laboratory studies are all solicited. Research topics include (but are not limited to): Gravity waves, their generation, propagation and breaking; Intra-seasonal, inter-annual and longer timescale dynamical variability; Middle atmosphere response to anthropogenic and natural forcings; Stratospheric/mesospheric chemistry and ozone; Radiation, microphysics, chemistry and dynamics at the tropopause; Transport and mixing in multiple spatial scales; and Tropical / extratropical dynamical interactions.
M07 - Stratosphere Couplings to the Troposphere and Ocean
Convener: Elisa Manzini (Germany)
Co-conveners: Bernd Funke (Spain), Neil Holbrook (Australia)
Dynamical links between the stratosphere and the troposphere exert both upward and downward controls. For instance, sudden stratospheric warming precursors in tropospheric weather (upward link) or an anomalously weak winter polar stratospheric vortex leading to an equatorial shift in tropospheric jet streams (downward link). In the tropics, the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in zonal wind (in itself an example of upward coupling) may exert a downward influence on the underlying convection. These dynamical links have been found to occur at all ranges of time scales (form intra-seasonal to climate change) and to relate as well to the state of the surface oceans.
Here we call for contributions aimed to elucidate the mechanisms of upward and downward dynamical couplings between the stratosphere and the troposphere/ocean of relevance to climate variability and change. We are welcoming contributions focusing on vertical coupling at mid-high latitude and also at tropical latitudes.
M08 - Air Quality in the Changing Anthropocene
Convener: John P. Burrows (Germany)
Co-conveners: James Drummond (Canada), Melia Keywood (Australia)
In a world in which industrialisation is proceeding apace, the world's population has now reached over 7.5 Billion, of which more than half live in cities, air quality has become a very significant health and quality of life issue for many people. It also impacts on climate change. This symposium invites contributions about measurements, models and mitigation practices for air quality and climate change on all time and space scales. Similarly, contributions of relevance to the evolution of stratospheric ozone in thee changing Anthropocene are welcomed.
M09 - The Arctic in the 21st Century: A Hotbed of Global Change
Conveners: James Drummond (Canada), Paul Kushner (Canada)
The Arctic is undergoing climatic change at a much greater rate than the rest of the planet, with potential global consequences. In addition to natural and anthropogenic driving, economic activity in the Arctic is also increasing which brings new challenges regionally and geopolitically. Increased understanding of this change requires the best measurements, the best models and the best understanding of the science. Many of the issues involve the interface between the various components of the Earth system (ice, snow, ocean, atmosphere, etc.) and also frequently transcend the traditional disciplinary boundaries. Papers are solicited concerning measurements, models and interpretation with a special emphasis on trans-disciplinary and interface issues affecting the Arctic and relating to Arctic
M10 - Recent Progress in the Field of Atmospheric Electricity
Convener: Colin Price (Israel)
Co-conveners: Xiushu Qie (China), Meribeth Stolzenburg (USA), David Smith (USA)
Atmospheric electricity encompasses a broad range of disciplines, including atmospheric ions in the fair-weather environment and energetic radiation in highly electrified regions, to cloud microphysics and thunderstorm electrification, to lightning physics and chemical effects across different levels of Earth’s atmosphere. Studies in many areas of atmospheric electricity are rapidly advancing through the use of new observational techniques, recent satellite, airborne, and ground-based measurement campaigns, and expanding modeling algorithms and laboratory investigations at all scales. This symposium solicits contributions which describe recent advances in the understanding of any aspects within the field of atmospheric electricity, to include lightning initiation and propagation, energetic radiation from thunderstorm processes, microphysical charging of clouds, and Transient Luminous Events such as sprites, blue/gigantic jets, and elves. Papers discussing current and possible future impacts and applications of this improved knowledge for society’s benefit, including forecasting, hazards warning, and mitigation, are also welcome.
M11 - Advances in Atmospheric Dynamics
Convener: Thomas Spengler (Norway)
Co-conveners: Nili Harnik (Israel), Gwendal Riviere (France), Elizabeth Barnes (USA), Andreas Schäfler (Germany)
Invited speakers: John Methven (UK), Lenka Novak (USA), Jimmy Booth (USA), and Tiffany Shaw (USA)
The symposium focuses on advances in atmospheric dynamics based on theoretical, observational, diagnostic, and modelling studies. It deals with atmospheric phenomena of very different spatial scales including mesoscale, synoptic- and planetary-scales. Contributions are expected on storm track and jet-stream dynamics, eddy-mean flow interactions, frontal systems, cyclone and anticyclone evolution, blocking, stationary waves, stratosphere-troposphere coupling, dynamical connections between low, middle, and high-latitudes, and modes of atmospheric variability. A particular interest is on studies that discuss the influence of diabatic effects on atmospheric disturbances, e.g., related to the NAWDEX field campaign, including the specific role of clouds.
M12 - High-Impact Weather and Climate Extremes
Conveners: Richard Grotjahn
Co-conveners: Julia Keller (Switzerland, WMO), Brian Golding (UK), Neil Holbrook (Australia), Xuebin Zhang (Canada), Ron McTaggart-Cowan (Canada), Olivia Martius (Switzerland), Abhishekh Srivastava (USA)
Improved understanding and prediction of weather and climate extremes underpins progress in developing policies and early warning systems that make communities more resilient. Extreme events occur on many temporal and spatial scales so improved prediction exploits sources of predictability on multiple scales that interact across various Earth system components.
This symposium solicits contributions related to observational, synoptic-dynamical, statistical, and modeling studies on high-impact weather and climate extremes. Key challenges include documenting how extremes have varied or are likely to vary under a changing climate and how well climate models capture these events. Presentations that examine the dynamics of extreme events, assess model simulations, track observed extremes, and explore the extent humans are responsible for changes in extremes are all encouraged. Understanding underlying physical and dynamical processes for weather extremes includes diabatic effects on meso- and synoptic-scale dynamics. Simulation, prediction, and scientific understanding of extremes all increase resilience to high-impact weather and are within the scope of this symposium. Contributions on: observing strategies, field campaigns and demonstration projects, dynamical and statistical analysis methods, communicating forecasts and their skill and uncertainties, weather impacts, marine extremes, and assessments of vulnerability and risk are solicited.
Contributions relevant to the World Weather Research Programme project on High-impact Weather (HIWeather) and to the World Climate Research Programme Grand Challenge on Climate and Weather Extremes including cross-cutting themes are particularly encouraged. Abstracts integrating hydrological with meteorological extremes are intended for the Joint symposium on Hydrometeorologic and Coastal Extremes in Current and Future Climates.
M13 - Tropical Circulation Systems
Convener: Michael Reeder (Australia)
The tropical atmosphere exerts significant influence on regional and global environments, societies and economies over time scales that range from days, to years. This symposium addresses tropical circulation systems such as individual convective systems, tropical cyclones, tropical waves, regional and large-scale circulations, intra-seasonal circulations, and systems that vary over interannual and decadal time scales. Topics can address fundamental physical properties that relate to lifecycles of circulation systems, their variability, and interaction. Contributions may also address the diverse linkages among tropical, subtropical, and mid-latitude global latitude bands.
Over the past several years, many field programs have been conducted on a variety of tropical circulation systems. Therefore, there is special interest in contributions that utilize new observations, technologies, and models to advance understanding on specific phenomena that were targets of special studies.
M14 - Dynamics of Mountain Weather and Climate: Observations, Modeling and Prediction at All Scales
Conveners: Mathias Rotach (Austria), Vanda Grubisic (USA)
This symposium will be concerned with dynamic processes that govern short and long-term (climatic) state of the atmosphere influenced by orography and their impact on the atmospheric conditions near the surface over mountainous terrain. Dynamic processes include both wet and dry dynamically driven phenomena. A special emphasis will be put on exchange processes of mass, momentum and energy between mountainous terrain and the free troposphere at all relevant scales. Contributions based on theoretical, numerical modeling, observational or combined approaches are invited on a range of topics including, but not limited to, topographic precipitation, convective initiation, gravity waves and gap flows, thermally driven local circulations, mountain venting and meso-scale exchange processes, boundary layer processes in complex terrain. They may address physical processes as well as specific problems of high-resolution numerical modeling or applicability of parameterizations or measurement techniques in complex terrain.
M15 - Frontier challenges in data assimilation and ensemble forecasting
Convener: Craig Bishop (USA)
Co-conveners: Christian Keil (Germany), Szunyogh, Istvan (USA)
The fields of Earth system data assimilation and ensemble forecasting are confronted with both new and long standing challenges in probabilistic state estimation: (i) the identification and representation of systematic and stochastic aspects of model error (ii) coupled models (iii) non-Gaussian uncertainty distributions (iv) short range ensemble forecast verification and post-processing (v) the use of multi-model and/or multi-resolution ensembles, (vi) achieving balanced ensemble initialization so that, for example, rainfall rates and cloudiness would not differ much between the first and last hours of a forecast, and (vii) the use of idealized observation system simulation experiments using both Numerical and/or Laboratory models to improve real state estimation schemes.
This symposium will bring together data assimilation and short-range ensemble forecasting experts to jointly address the aforementioned challenges and create an exchange of ideas likely to advance Earth system state estimation across its many facets. Papers are invited on all aspects of data assimilation and ensemble forecasting for the ocean, atmosphere, ice and land-surface.
We also welcome papers aimed at increasing understanding of the fundamental limits of predictability. Such papers could include: analyses of the relevant initial error dynamics and model error physics, ideas for estimating error growth that limits predictability, methods that attempt to quantify the short to medium range predictability of specific phenomena ranging from thunderstorms, torrential rains, tropical cyclones and other extreme weather events at forecast lead times from hours to 15 days.
This symposium will also include a special sub-session in honour and memory of the late William Lahoz on the theory and practice of assimilating observations of soil moisture, chemical species, pollutants, ozone and other atmospheric constituents. William Lahoz made significant contributions to these areas and to IAMAS over the past few decades. Invited speakers for the Lahoz sub-session include Jean-Luc Attié, Quentin Errera and Richard Ménard.
M16 - Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction
Conveners: Frederic Vitart (ECMWF), Craig Bishop (USA)
There is a growing interest in the research and application communities in developing sub-seasonal to seasonal (2 weeks to a season) that fills the gap between medium-range weather and seasonal forecasts. Sub-seasonal forecasting is still at an early stage of development, yet operational models are beginning to exhibit some skill based on a number of sources of predictability (e.g. ocean, sea-ice, soil moisture, MJO, stratosphere-troposphere interactions). This symposium seeks contributions on all aspects of S2S, with emphasis on relevant phenomena and mechanisms responsible for predictability, design of S2S forecast systems and uncertainty quantification.
M17 - Past and Future Changes in Polar Climate System and Their Global Linkages
Convener: Zhaomin Wang (China)
Co-conveners: Kent Moore (Canada), Keith Nicholls (UK), Alexandra Jahn (USA), Jan Lenaerts (USA)
The polar climate system is an important component of the global earth system, and there exist strong interactions between atmosphere, ocean and cryosphere in the polar regions. Polar climate has experienced dramatic changes in a warming world. These changes and their possible influences on and feedback by processes in the rest of the globe have raised great challenges for scientific research, as polar regions have been the least observed and understood regions. To improve understanding and prediction of changes in polar climate system, and associated global climatic impacts and global sea level change, a number of collaborative and multi-disciplinary initiatives have been carried out or have been planned. To bring polar atmospheric scientists, oceanographers, and glaciologists together to present cutting-edge multi- disciplinary research results, this symposium will cover i) how polar climate has changed and what the future polar climate might be, and their global linkages; ii) how related atmospheric processes have affected or might affect future sea ice circulation, the surface energy budget and mass balance of ice shelves and ice sheets, and basal mass balance of ice shelves.
M18 - Natural Climate Variability and Predictability on All Time Scales
Convener: Neil Holbrook(Australia)
Co-conveners: Mojib Latif(Germany), Mat Collins(UK), Qiuzhen Yin (Belgium), Emanuele Di Lorenzo (USA), Lawrence Mysak (Canada)
Climate variability is a natural part of our Earth system. Climate varies from local to global scales, and from weeks to months through to millennia. Natural climate variations may be fundamental, often with regional to large scale characteristics and oscillatory-like behavior – identified as climate modes. Earth’s natural climate variability can be a response to external natural forcing mechanisms (e.g. due to solar variations, millennial-scale orbital variations of the Earth, and volcanic eruptions) or due to internal variations – in particular from coupling of the ocean and atmosphere (e.g. El Niño – Southern Oscillation, Madden-Julian Oscillation). Importantly, in order to better understand, detect and attribute climate change trends due to anthropogenic influences (as a “signal”), it is critical that we better understand the space and time scales, and mechanisms, underpinning Earth’s natural climate variability (otherwise known as the “noise”). This symposium welcomes abstracts on understanding natural climate variability and predictability on all time scales, including analyses from paleo-records, historical observations and models.
M19 - Role of Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions in Constraining Regional Climate Change
Convener: Mat Collins(UK)
Co-conveners: Noel S. Keenlyside (Norway), Tomas Halenka (Czech Republic), Mojib Latif (Germany), Shoshiro Minobe (Japan), Hisashi Nakamura (Japan), Shang-Ping Xie (USA)
Adapting to climate change is a major imperative facing the planet. Designing and implementing successful adaptation measures demands accurate information on how the climate is expected to change on continental and smaller scales. Although great progress to this end has been made, global model-based projections of future climate remain highly uncertain at the regional level. These uncertainties can be greatly reduced by understanding how the atmospheric circulation responds to changes in thermodynamic forcing, and how it is further shaped through interaction with other components of climate system on the regional level. This symposium will address the dynamics of regional climate change with a particular focus on the role of ocean-atmosphere interactions.
M20 - El Niño/Southern Oscillation and Its Regional and Global Impacts
Convener: Fei-Fei Jin (USA)
Co-conveners: Wenju Cai (Australia), Jianping Li (China), Jong-Seong Kug (Korea)
The El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO), one of the most important drivers on climate variability, has profound climatic, environmental, societal, and economical impacts on both global and regional climate. Evidences, albeit limited, suggest that the basic characteristics of ENSO, including its sea surface temperature pattern, its amplitude and frequency, and its types and teleconnections etc., have been undergoing changes. However, projections for potential future changes are diverse and the whole issue of how ENSO may respond to global warming and thus contribute to the global and regional climatic and environmental changes is far from understood and is an important subject of intense research worldwide. This symposium invites contributions regarding the latest scientific advances on observational, theoretical and modeling studies on: ENSO dynamics, ENSO impacts, ENSO predictability and prediction, and ENSO projected changes and the associated impacts due to projected climate change scenarios.
M21 - Celebrating the Montreal Protocol in Montreal: Assessing Ozone Layer Recovery in an Evolving Climate.
Conveners: Sophie Godin-Beekmann (France), Paul Newman (USA), Irina Petropavloskikh (USA)
The "Celebrating the Montreal Protocol in Montreal: assessing Ozone Layer Recovery in an Evolving Climate” Symposium solicits presentations on all aspects of ozone science, ozone depletion, and related research.
More particularly, the symposium calls for oral talks and poster presentations that highlight contributions to the themes of WMO/UNEP report, “The Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2018.” This assessment report included chapters on: 1) Ozone-Depleting Substances;
2) Hydrofluorocarbons; 3) Global stratospheric ozone: Past, present & future; 4) Polar stratospheric ozone: Past, present & future; 5) Stratospheric ozone changes and climate; and 6) Scenarios and Information for Policymakers
M22 – Earth’s Energy Budget
Convener: Seiji Kato (USA)
Co-conveners: Norman Loeb (Switzerland), Martin Wild (USA)
The solar and infrared radiant energy within the Earth-atmosphere system and the exchange of turbulent heat fluxes between the surface and atmosphere are the dominant forms of energy that determine Earth’s climate. How these are distributed regionally dictates atmospheric and oceanic transport and precipitation patterns. This symposium seeks presentations that provide novel new insights into how energy is distributed within the climate system and how and why it is changing. We welcome both observational and modelling studies that encompass the following areas related to Earth’s energy budget: Earth’s energy imbalance and ocean heat storage; the linkages between the energy and water cycles; studies discussing how the energy budget is altered through forcing and feedback mechanisms.
M23 – Current Progress in Atmospheric Radiation
Convener: Byung-Ju Sohn (Korea)
Co-conveners: Peter Pilewskie (USA), Marcia Akemi Yamasoe (Brazil)
Radiation sciences have proved essential for understanding energy processes and associated balance – and imbalance – within the Earth-Atmosphere system, providing fundamental knowledge of the radiative processes in the climate system and on global observation of climate parameters. Recognizing the importance of the radiation sciences, the International Radiation Commission (IRC) is concerned with research and application topics such as spectroscopic nature of atmospheric constituents and of the Earth's surface, radiant energy transfer theory and modeling, aspects of radiant energy in climate change and weather, remote sensing of the atmosphere and surface, and observations of radiant energy flow throughout the Earth-atmosphere system. Papers being solicited may include current progress in all of these research areas. In addition, it is encouraged that up-to-date progress in IRC Working Groups (Atmospheric Spectroscopy Applications, Baseline Surface Radiation Network, Clouds and Radiation, Continuous Inter-comparison of Radiation Codes, GEWEX Radiation Panel, Global Energy Balance, International Coordination group for Laser Atmospheric Studies, International Polarized Radiative Transfer, International TOVS Working Group, Solar Ultra Violet Radiation, Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer) is presented in this symposium.
M24 – Clouds and Circulations in Planetary Atmospheres
Conveners: Kevin McGouldrick (USA), Emmanuel Marcq (France)
We now have new information on clouds and atmospheric circulations, including Earth. There are some similarities and many differences among the clouds, their origins and impacts. Especially, for all planets including Earth, cloud motions are a key measurement in studying global circulations and there have been recently many improvements in the techniques. The symposium invites presentations on the clouds or measurements involving clouds on different planets, including Earth.
M25 - Celebrating 100 years of IAMAS 1919 - 2019 - Past, Present and Future
Conveners: John Turner (UK), Teruyuki Nakajima (Japan)
Speakers by invitation only.
In 2019 IAMAS will be celebrating its 100th anniversary. To mark this important event the association will hold a half day symposium that will look back as the remarkable advances that have taken place in the atmospheric sciences over the last century, consider current outstanding questions and look forward to possible future developments. The symposium will consist of a number of keynote presentations by world-leading experts in various branches of the atmospheric sciences. The speakers are being invited by the Bureau of IAMAS and there is no general call for presentations.
10:00 - 10:05 : IAMAS Early Career Scientist Medal presentation
JM01 - Adapting in the Anthropocene (IAMAS, IAHS, IACS)
Convener: Keith Alverson (USA/Japan, IAMAS)
Co-Conveners: Gia Destouni (Sweden, IAHS), Michael Wolovick (USA, IACS)
The detection and attribution of significant human impact on the global environment has been robustly shown across a number of Earth system components. In this context, the concept of planetary boundaries and tipping points has received substantial visibility. Well known examples include greenhouse gas and aerosol levels in the atmosphere, ice sheet collapse and sea level rise, sea ice loss, plastic and acidification in the ocean, shifts in freshwater availability and quality, and biodiversity loss, nutrient and toxic chemical loading in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal ecosystems. This symposium will highlight examples of where we are experiencing the kind of dominant human impacts on the global environment that define the Anthropocene, with a focus on actions that can be taken to reverse the anthropogenic forcings, reduce their adverse impacts on natural and social systems and provide sustainable services, including food and water security and safety, for a growing and increasingly affluent global human population.
JM02 - Anthropogenic changes in Chemistry and Physics of the Atmosphere: Evidence and Atribution Studies (IAMAS, IAVCEI, IAG)
Convener: John P. Burrows (Germany, IAMAS)
Co-Conveners: Maria Kanakidou (Greece, IAMAS), Franco Tassi (Italy, IAVCEI), Isabelle Panet (France, IAG)
This symposium focuses on the impact of natural emissions, such as those from volcanoes, and anthropogenic fluxes on atmospheric composition, chemical transformation, dynamics and climate. In this context we welcome contributions from
i) laboratory and chamber studies
ii) field measurements;
iii) satellite observations;
iv) numerical modelling;
v) scientific and socio-economic assessments.
JM03 - Advances and Frontier Challenges in Global Monsoon Studies: Dynamics, Convection and Interactions with Hydrological and Land Surface Processes (IAMAS, IAHS)
Convener: Jianping Li (China, IAMAS)
Co-Conveners: Andrew Turner (UK, IAMAS), Sumant Nigam (USA, IAMAS), Iracema Cavalcanti (Brazil, IAMAS), E. Hugo Berbery (USA, IAMAS), Kyung-Ja Ha (Korea, IAMAS), Fred Kucharski (Italy, IAMAS), Alesandra Giannini (USA, IAMAS), Serge Janicot (France, IAMAS), Kirsten Thonicke (Germany, IAMAS), Elango Lakshmanan (India, IAHS)
Advances and frontier challenges in global monsoon studies, including observational, diagnostic, theoretical, modelling and prediction studies of the monsoons and related hydrological processes:
In addition, presentations are also invited on the latest results from monsoon field experiments.
JM04 - Hydrometeorologic and Coastal Extremes in Current and Future Climates (IAMAS, IAHS)
Convener: Laxmi Sushama (Canada, IAMAS)
Co-Conveners: Marie Ekstrom (UK, IAMAS), Richard Grotjahn (USA, IAMAS), Brian Golding (UK, IAMAS), Abhishekh Srivastava (USA, IAMAS), Hubert Savanije (Netherlands, IAHS), Jai Vaze (Australia, IAHS)
Extreme hydrometeorologic and coastal events can have devastating impacts on society and cause millions of dollars in damages. Science and engineering is continuously evolving to predict, model and manage these events to reduce their harmful effects. These extremes include localized flooding caused by short duration heavy rainfall to large scale flooding caused by heavy snowmelt combined with ice-jam and rainfall, and coastal flooding due to storm surge. Extreme events are often complex in terms of causal mechanisms and therefore require investigation from a multi-dimensional perspective. Successful management of extreme events demand timely actions on disaster preparedness, early warning, crisis management, response, recovery and clean-up. Advances in understanding these extremes from a multi-dimensional viewpoint, and modeling from both physical and statistical viewpoints, will continue to evolve as new tools and approaches develop and become available.
This symposium covers hydrometeorologic and coastal extremes in terms of their causal mechanisms, modelling and forecasting, and the adaptation-mitigation-sustainability-resilience nexus. Contributions are invited in the following and related areas:
Abstracts on topics primarily on meteorological extremes modeling, mechanisms, and forecasting are encouraged for submission to the symposium on High-impact Weather and Climate Extremes (M12).
JM05 - Ocean-atmosphere Mechanisms of Variability, Change and Predictability (IAMAS, IAPSO)
Convener: Tim Woolings (UK, IAMAS)
Co-Conveners: Hisashi Nakamura (Japan, IAMAS), Iracema Cavalcanti (Brazil, IAMAS), Toshio Yamagata (Japan, IAPSO)
This symposium welcomes contributions of theoretical, modelling and observational work related to ocean-atmosphere variability and change. Interaction between the ocean and atmosphere plays an important role in many aspects of climate variability, predominantly from seasonal timescales upwards. The associated teleconnections cover the globe and can also interact with other systems such as the land and cryosphere. The long timescales inherent in such coupled variability proves an invaluable source of skill for near-term climate predictions in particular, but the longer term forced climate change signal is also significantly affected by ocean-atmosphere coupling.
Specific topics covered by the symposium include but are not limited to: Tropical coupled variability and teleconnections; mechanisms of mid-latitude air-sea interaction; the role of ocean frontal zones and eddies in the coupled system; representation of air-sea interaction and teleconnections in climate models; role of ocean variability in near-term climate predictability; and ocean-atmosphere coupling under anthropogenic climate change.
JM06 - Recent Advances in Regional Climate Modelling (IAMAS, IAHS, IACS)
Convener: Anne Frigon (Canada, IAMAS)
Co-Conveners: Andrew Orr (UK, IAMAS), Martin Leduc (Canada, IAMAS), René Laprise (Canada, IAMAS), François Brissette (Canada, IAHS), Ross Brown (Canada, IACS)
This symposium addresses regional climate modelling, looking into recent developments and analyses for both validation and climate-change purposes, based on single model to large ensembles of simulations. We are also interested in analyses that go beyond the typical surface meteorological variables, looking into cryospheric and hydrological fields. Contributions are welcome in the following areas, but not limited to:
JM07 - Artificial Intelligence and Big data in Weather and Climate Science (IAMAS, IAHS)
Convener: Philippe Roy (Canada, IAMAS)
Co-Conveners: Alexis Hannart (Canada, IAMAS), David Hall (USA, IAMAS), Allen Huang (USA, IAMAS), Scott Hosking (UK, IAMAS), Ashish Sharma (Australia, IAHS)
Rapid advances in artificial intelligence, combined with the availability of enormous amount of data (termed Big Data) is opening new avenues for climate analysis and climate scenarios. The long awaited promises of AI is now common in many disciplines. Applying AI methods, combined with physical knowledge, can improve climate analysis and provide better climate simulations and climate products, notably for high-impact events, such as floods, wildfires and winds.
JM08 - Earth System Models: Assessing the Earth System’s State and Fate from Regional to Planetary Scales (IAMAS , IAPSO, IACS, IAHS)
Convener: Paul Kushner (Canada, IAMAS)
Co-Conveners: Nathan Gillet (Canada, IAMAS), Marika Holland (USA, IAPSO), Gerhard Krinner (France, IACS), Sophie Nowicki (USA, IACS), Manuela Girotto (USA, IAHS), Stephen Déry (Canada, IAHS)
Earth System Models provide our principal means to simulate Earth System processes and to predict the evolution of the planet. Each generation of Earth System Models, including components that simulate the atmosphere, oceans, land, vegetation, ice, snow, and the dynamical and biogeochemical processes that link these components, has provided new insights into the workings of the Earth System, predictions from seasonal to decadal scales, and projections of the future of the planet under greenhouse warming and other sources of radiative and compositional driving. These models have progressively simulated finer scales, and through regional refinement or downscaling can be used to investigate regional-scale climate processes and impacts. This symposium encourages contributions dealing with the many facets of Earth System Model development and application, including new modelling results from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6, development and assessment of models making use of recent Earth observations from ground-based and space-based measurements, prediction of climate on seasonal to centennial timescales, climate change detection and attribution, regional-scale climate modelling and process analysis, high resolution climate modelling, and subgrid scale parameterization development. As a joint symposium, submissions on the latest advances in Earth System Modeling across the atmospheric, biogeochemical, oceanic, cryospheric, and hydrological sciences are encouraged.
JM09 - Satellite Remote Sensing: Vital Information on the Health of our Planet (IAMAS, IACS, IAPSO, IAHS)
Convener: Kaley Walker (Canada, IAMAS)
Co-Conveners: Bojan Bojkov (Germany, IAMAS), Yangbo Chen (China, IAHS), Yasko Kasai (Japan, IAMAS), Paul Kushner (Canada, IACS), Stephen Howell (Canada, IACS), Stefano Vignudelli (Italy, IAPSO), Nicolas Grisouard (Canada, IAPSO), Yanping Li (Canada, IAHS), Hong Lin (Canada, IAMAS)
Space-based observations provide a unique global perspective on the Earth's atmosphere and surface, including the oceans, land, vegetation, ice, and snow. Current and planned satellite missions from Canada, and international agencies in US, Europe, China and Japan have provided and will provide a wealth of new information about the Earth system and that can be used to investigate a wide range of environmental and scientific questions. This symposium encourages contributions dealing with the many facets of space-based remote sensing, including new measurement technologies and techniques, both passive and active; retrieval algorithms; validation of satellite products; assimilation of data into numerical models; scientific results and discoveries and operational utilization and development.
JM10 - Atmospheric Water Generation (IAMAS, IAHS)
Convener: Richard Boudreault (Canada, IAMAS)
Inequality in planet water distribution is enhanced by climate change. The atmosphere is likely to increase its content in the next few decades, furthering disparity in ground water access. The atmosphere represent a few times the water in rivers and lakes. This symposium will deal with the micro-physics and technologies developed to condensate and capture atmospheric water. The symposium will present various atmospheric water generation processes, market analysis and methods of enhancing micro-physics condensation in lower atmosphere. Many approaches are emerging active and passive, guest speakers will be invited and an open symposium for public contribution will be offered.
JA02 - Geophysical Data Assimilation (IAGA, IACS, IAG, IAHS, IAMAS, IAPSO, IASPEI, IAVCEI)
Convener: Sabrina Sanchez (Germany, IAGA)
Co-Conveners: Marie Bocher (Switzerland, IASPEI), Matthias Morzfeld (USA, IAGA/IAMAS), Takemasa Miyoshi (Japan, IAMAS), Entcho Demirov (Canada, IAPSO), Julien Brajard (France, IAPSO/IACS), Salvatore Grimaldi (Italy, IAHS), Pavel Novak (Czech Republic, IAG)
Data assimilation has become a valuable tool for improving our understanding of the Earth and its different dynamical layers, such as the core, mantle, oceans, atmosphere and magnetosphere. By merging sparse observations, complex physical models and their respective errors, data assimilation attempts to unveil hidden features of a given system as well as predicting its evolution. Although its long-term development in the field of meteorology has led to a well-established framework, data assimilation methodologies still bear considerable challenges. Amongst those we can cite the numerical stability of ensemble-based methods such as the Ensemble Kalman Filter, the identification and handling of model errors and biases, the hybridization of variational and sequential approaches, and the usage of multi-model ensembles for parameter estimation. Moreover, in many fields of application, such as core and mantle dynamics, as well as volcanism and space weather, data assimilation remains fairly exploratory. However, these novel applications can provide a platform for further analysis of the aforementioned challenges. This symposium aims at promoting a constructive dialogue between the different geophysical communities with a shared interest in the development of innovative strategies in data assimilation. We therefore particularly encourage the participation of contributions connected to emerging research fields of geophysical data assimilation, as well as the development of libraries, testbeds and computationally efficient data assimilation schemes.
> U03
JA04 - Global Electrodynamics and Energetics of Atmospheric Regions from Ground to Space (IAGA, IAMAS)
Convener: Irina Mironova (Russia, IAGA) and Colin Price (Israel, IAMAS)
Co-Conveners: Martin Fullekrug (UK, IAGA), Earle Williams (USA, IAGA) and Eugene Rozanov (Switzerland, IAMAS)
The global atmospheric electric circuit (GEC) comprises the thunderstorm activity maintaining a time-varying, globally-uniform electrical potential difference between the ionosphere and the Earth as well as downward electric currents in the fair weather regions. The strength of the currents depends on the atmospheric conductivity and ionization produced mostly by galactic cosmic rays. The atmospheric electric field can be measured near the ground at different geographical locations, in particular in pristine atmosphere over Antarctic. The other powerful electrodynamic phenomena related to the intense lightening discharges and the transient luminous events (TLE) are observed by modern satellite-based instruments. The GEC variability is believed to affect cloud properties and modulate the atmospheric state.
The symposium solicits contributions which may advance our knowledge in all areas related to ionospheric potential, electrical currents, TLE, lightning physics, energetic radiation, energetic particles, and their impact on the Earth's atmosphere, ionosphere and the magnetosphere.
Interdisciplinary studies which emphasize the electrodynamic connection between atmospheric layers, meteorological effects of GEC and possible impact to the climate change are particularly welcome.
JA05 - Solar Influence on the Atmosphere (IAGA, IAMAS)
Convener: Christoph Jacobi (Germany, IAGA)
Co-Conveners: Katja Matthes (Germany, IAGA/IAMAS), Nicholas Pedatella (USA, IAGA), Peter Pilewskie (USA, IAMAS), Joanna Haigh (UK, IAMAS)
Invited speakers: Hiuxin Liu (Japan), Dimitry Pokhotelov (Germany), Margit Haberreiter (Switzerland)
Solar influence on climate keeps attracting much interest presently. This includes in particular the role of the Sun both in the past climate as in future climate variability as an important aspect. State-of the art climate models include a well resolved stratosphere and partly mesosphere. This allows the prediction of global climate and its changes taking into account expected solar related variability at short to long time scales.
JA06 - Space Weather Throughout the Solar System: Bringing Data and Models Together (IAGA, IAMAS, IAG)
Convener: Enrico Camporeale (Netherlands, IAGA)
Co-Conveners: Sarah Gibson (USA, IAGA), Kyung-Suk Cho (Korea, IAGA), Giuseppe Consolini (Italy, IAGA), Christina Plainaki (Italy, IAGA), Donald Hassler (USA, IAMAS), Earle Williams (USA, IAMAS), Klaus Börger (Germany, IAG)
We encourage contributions pertaining to recent progress in the effective incorporation of data into space weather modeling and prediction at any point along the chain from sun to planets. Moreover, we welcome approaches that are less traditional in the space weather community but possess potential for significant progress in forecasting and understanding space weather, and that draw upon "lessons learned" or "best practices" from applications to non-space-weather problems.
JA07 - Geoscience Data Licensing, Production, Publication, and Citation (IAGA, IACS, IAG, IAHS, IAMAS, IAPSO, IASPEI, IAVCEI)
Convener: Masahito Nosé (Japan, IAGA)
Co-Conveners: Simon Flower (UK, IAGA), Yasuhiro Murayama (Japan, IAMAS), Helle Pedersen (France, IASPEI), Attilio Castellarin (Italy, IAHS), Gabriel Guimarães (Brazil, IAG), Toru Suzuki (Japan, IAPSO), Aude Chambodut (France, UCDI), Giuseppe Puglisi (Italy, IAVCEI)
A number of national and international geoscience research infrastructures have been created in recent years, for example, EPOS (the European Plate Observing System), Copernicus (European Union's Earth Observation Programme), IUGONET (the Inter-university upper atmosphere global observation network), EarthCube (the ‘system of systems’ infrastructure for geosciences) and AuScope (the Autralian geoscience and geospatial infrastructure). At the same time the World Data System is evolving and certification of data repositories (ICSU-WDS, CoreTrustSeal) is becoming an important concern. Together these initiatives make it possible for users to easily access huge archives of disparate geoscience data and metadata in a secure and reliable manner, a task that was complex and time consuming before these initiatives were available.
Clear licensing of geoscience data gives users clarity over how they can use and share the data, protects the rights of data providers and promotes integrated research. Data publication and citation will benefit data suppliers by giving them proper credit, professional recognition and rewards for their works, in a similar manner to the way that publication of scientific results benefits scientific researchers. Licensing, publication and citation of data are becoming a requirement for contribution to geoscience infrastructures. The system of licensing, producing, publishing, and citing of geoscience data is a structure for persistent intellectual content identification and management as well as for connection of users with content suppliers.
This symposium solicits contributions presenting actual practices and future plans of data licensing, producing, publication, and citation of scientific data, and possible related topics.
JC01 – Projecting Sea Level in the 21st Century and Beyond (IACS, IAMAS, IAPSO)
Convener: Andy Aschwanden (USA, IACS)
Co-Conveners: Ben Marzeion (Germany, IAMAS), Gary T. Mitchum (USA, IAPSO)
The seas are currently rising, and the rise is expected to continue into the 21 century and beyond, challenging societies around the globe. The primary contemporary contributors to global mean sea level are thermal expansion due to warming oceans and melting glaciers and ice sheets. Spatially-varying changes in absolute and relative sea level arise from the associated changes in solid Earth loading and variability of the Earth's gravity field. This joint symposium brings together the fields of glaciology, oceanography, atmospheric sciences, hydrology, and solid earth geophysics to assess the relative importance of each component and their respective uncertainties over the next centuries with focus on both regional and global sea level changes.
JC02 – Atmosphere-Ocean-Sea Ice Interactions: Local Processes and Global Implications (IACS, IAMAS, IAPSO)
Convener: John Cassano (USA, IAMAS)
Co-Conveners: Hiroyuki Enomoto (Japan, IACS), Elisa Manzini (Germany, IAMAS), Matthew Lazzara (USA, IAMAS), James Renwick (New Zealand, IAMAS), Thomas Spengler (Norway, IAMAS), William Perrie (Canada, IAPSO)
Changes in the Arctic and Antarctic climate system are strongly related to atmosphere-ocean-ice (AOI) interactions. Phenomena such as the dramatic decrease in sea ice extent in the Arctic over the past 30 years contribute to rapid regional warming through feedbacks between the atmosphere, ocean, and sea ice. On the other hand, Antarctic sea ice variability is internally dominated with no strong multi-decadal trend. Understanding and modelling these variations in the coupled AOI system remains a challenge at both poles. AOI interactions are also associated with synoptic weather systems and mesoscale extreme weather phenomena such as cold air outbreaks, katabatic winds, and polar lows. In the Arctic, for example, sea ice loss is associated with rapid regional warming which is often tightly linked to mid-latitude weather and climate. Arctic sea ice loss may also impact the state of the stratospheric vortex, which in turn can affect the large-scale hemispheric circulation in the troposphere. Furthermore, in the Antarctic, sea ice change may affect ice shelf behaviour and hence could affect sea level change. The representation of these physical processes and interactions at different spatial and temporal scales, however, remains a major challenge for current weather and climate models.
This symposium brings together researchers working in the areas of polar meteorology and oceanography as well as sea ice to focus on physical processes as well as on global change related to the Arctic and Antarctic. Special emphasis is on the coupling between the ocean, ice, and atmosphere and the interactions between the Polar Regions and the large-scale hemispheric and global circulation. Further focus is on processes and parameterizations related to physical exchange, including the influence of sea ice floe-size distribution and sub-mesoscale ocean/sea ice dynamics and thermodynamics. Contributions are welcome dealing with theoretical and observational studies, including remote sensing, as well as studies using numerical models.
JC06 – Is the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapsing? - Atmosphere, Ice, and Ocean Interactions Leading to Accelerated Ice Loss (IACS, IAMAS)
Convener: Ted Scambos (USA, IACS), Christina Hulbe (New Zealand, IACS)
Co-Conveners: Jan Lenearts (USA, IAMAS)
Invited Speakers: Kiya Riverman (USA), Pietro Milillo (USA)
The sea level rise potential of West Antarctica is more than 3m, and under some scenarios a rapid increase in ice loss could start before the end of this century. Interactions between atmosphere, ocean, and the ice front have initiated early and dramatic changes to several glacier and ice shelf areas, notably Thwaites Glacier, Pine Island Glacier, and the Getz Ice Shelf. We welcome topics discussing all aspects of this issue, including —
JC08 – Coupling Processes Between the Atmospheric Boundary-Layer and Snow/Ice Surfaces: Observations and Modelling (IACS, IAHS, IAMAS)
Convener: Vincent Vionnet (Canada, IACS)
Co-Conveners: Ruzica Dadic (New Zealand, IACS), John Pomeroy (Canada, IAHS), Tobias Jonas (Switzerland, IAHS), Rebecca Mott (Switzerland, IAMAS), Ethan Gutmann (USA, IAMAS)
Invited Speakers: Jessica Lundquist (USA), Kouichi Nishimura (Japan)
The symposium addresses fundamental exchange mechanisms of mass and energy between the cryosphere, vegetation and the atmospheric boundary layer in snow-covered regions. The interaction between the near-surface atmosphere and the cryosphere can lead to significant spatial and temporal variations of momentum, mass- and energy exchange as well as complex atmospheric flow patterns that are modulated by complexities in topography and vegetation cover. These processes strongly affect the evolution of seasonal snow cover, permafrost, sea ice, vegetation and glaciers and drive snow and ice hydrology.
We invite contributions on, but not limited to, the following topics:
JG04 - Geodesy for Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Climate Research (IAG, IAMAS, IACS, IAPSO)
Convener: Annette Eicker (Germany, IAG)
Co-Conveners: Rosa Paccione (Italy, IAG), Sonia Seneviratne (Switzerland, IAMAS), Stephen Price (USA, IACS), Benoit Meyssignac (France, IAPSO)
Invited Speakers: Anny Cazenave (France), Natalya Gomez (Canada), Gottfried Kirchengast (Austria)
The growing record of (space-)gravimetric and geodetic data (GRACE, GNSS, radar altimetry, InSAR, VLBI, tide gauges…) provides a new view on Essential Climate Variables such as tropospheric water vapor, water storage and ice mass changes, steric and barystatic sea level, sea surface winds, waves, sea ice extent/thickness, or the Earth’s energy imbalance. These observations have the advantage to be globally homogeneous, and independent from other data commonly used to develop and evaluate climate models.
Geodetic time series reveal a complex picture of natural climate variability, long-term climate change and anthropogenic modifications. Combined with other observations or re-analyses, they provide excellent tools to assess climate models and improve our understanding of land- and ocean-atmosphere interactions.
We invite contributions dealing with (1) using geodetic data to characterize, analyse, and understand current climate change, (2) evaluating climate models against geodetic data, (3) using these data to constrain and improve climate projections, (4) creating long and consistent geodetic time series, (5) climate modelling of geodetically observable variables, and (6) the prospects of future missions.
JG05 - Remote Sensing and Modelling of the Atmosphere (IAG, IAGA, IAMAS, IAVCEI )
Convener: Michael Schmidt (Germany, IAG)
Co-Conveners: Lung-Chih Tsa (Taiwan, IAG), Robert Heinkelmann (Germany, IAG), Claudia Stubenrauch (France, IAMAS), Veronika Barta (Hungary, IAGA), Arnau Folch (Spain, IAVCEI)
Satellite observations provide a continuous survey of our planet’s surrounding atmosphere, which is structured into distinct layers, according to e.g. temperature or charge state.
Ionosphere, plasmasphere and thermosphere are manifestations of space weather; its impacts and risks are gaining more and more importance in politics and sciences, since our modern society is highly depending on space-borne techniques, e.g. for communication and positioning.
Stratosphere and troposphere and their constituents are essential for life on our planet, and tropospheric water vapour is source of clouds and of precipitation, which in turn affect the large-scale circulation through heat transfer. The synergistic use of different instruments and modelling is leading to major advances in the understanding of our climate.
This symposium invites contributions on advances in observing and understanding our atmosphere – from troposphere to magnetosphere. Specific topics are:
JH01 - Scientific Inputs to Water-Related SDGs of the Agenda 2030 (IAHS, IAMAS)
Convener: Christophe Cudennec (France, IAHS)
Co-Conveners: Johannes Cullman (WMO), Maria Donoso (UNESCO), Stefan Uhlenbrook (WWAP), Vladimir Smakhtin (UNU), Nilay Dogulu (Turkey, IAHS)
The United Nations member states adopted the Agenda 2030 in September 2015, structured into 17 Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs. The transformative process towards 2030 is ambitious, complex and holistic. Science has to contribute through different ways of understanding, quantifying and exploring processes, interdependencies, innovations, and procedures. This requires handling a specific data-indicator-(dis-)aggregation-displaying chain, addressing new scientific questions, articulating knowledge and disciplines, quantifying change, assessing coevolution and interfaces, supporting foresight and political decisions…
SDG6 is dedicated to water. Many intra-SDG6 linkages between targets, and many inter-linkages with other SDGs are identified. There exists a huge diversity through the hydrological, the sociological and institutional, and the methodological heterogeneities across geography and scales. The States and UN Agencies are assessing the actual baseline, and setting up the arrow of indicators. A first Synthesis report was issued in July 2018 to feed the UN High Level Political Forum. Specific reports were issued in August 2018 on indicators (see A data portal will be launched at the end of 2018. These shall support actions and progress monitoring in the coming years. The whole is further enhanced by the 2018-2028 Decade for action on water, launched on 22 March 2018. It is time to call the scientific community to look at the status, data and process; and to elaborate further analyses and methods, bridge gaps, and support action. This symposium welcomes inputs to topics like:
JH02 - Climate and Hydrological Services: Bridging from Science to Practice and Adaptation (IAHS, IAMAS, IAG)
Convener: Chris White (Australia, IAHS)
Co-Conveners: Harald Kunstmann (Germany, IAHS), Berit Arheimer (Sweden, IAHS), Neil Holbrook (Australia, IAMAS), Laurent Longuevergne (France, IAG), Johannes Cullman (WMO)
With climate change and decreasing water availability per capita being one of the crucial challenges for society in the 21st century, there is the urgent need to develop and initiate adaptation measures. The provision of state of the art climate- and hydrology information for services has been initiated for different regions worldwide in order to approach the manifold demands of stakeholders, particularly in water management, agriculture, energy production or civil protection. This symposium invites for abstracts that address the challenges faced in both climate- and hydrological service provision when bridging from science to practice and finally to the derivation of adaptation measures. This comprises particularly contributions on 1) provisions of high-quality real-time and historical data from national and international databases, 2) hydrometeorological forecasts and particular subseasonal to seasonal predictions, 3) high resolution downscaling efforts of global climate scenarios, 4) development of bias-correction techniques for provided hydrometeorological fields, 5) solutions for digital and open data access, 6) development of methods to overcome limitations due to limited observation data density or –quality, 7) efforts to improve structure and parameterization of models, 8) improved ways to communicate scientific results and uncertainty to decision makers to increase chances of uptake, 9) examples and descriptions of case studies and initiatives worldwide, including the role of local and national legislations that help the adaptation process.
JH03 - Geosciences in the Anthropocene: Observing and Modelling Human-Nature Interactions in a Changing World (IAHS, IAMAS)
Convener: Giuliano di Baldassarre (Sweden, IAHS)
Co-Conveners: Veena Srinivasan (India, IAHS), Tobias Krueger (Germany, IAHS), Kei Yoshimura (Japan, IAMAS)
This symposium welcomes abstracts that consider how to observe, model and analyse interactions of human and environment systems, and the effects of socio-economic trends and environmental change. It is organised as part of the IAHS Panta Rhei hydrological decade 2013-2022.
The symposium focuses on advancing our understanding (and developing models) of dynamics produced by the mutual shaping of social and physical processes.
Examples of relevant areas include:
JH04 - MOXXI: Innovation and Multidisciplinarity to Observe Earth Processes (IAHS, IAMAS)
Convener: Flavia Tauro (Italy, IAHS)
Co-Conveners: Piet Stammes (Netherlands, IAMAS), Andy Wickert (USA, IAHS), E. Mario Mendiondo (Brazil, IAHS), Dominique Bérod (WMO)
According to recent surveys in hydrology, traditional monitoring systems and challenges in maintaining current monitoring networks are a significant bottleneck to the comprehension of natural processes. Specifically, standard observational equipment is expensive, offers limited spatial (and often temporal) coverage, mandates access to trained staff and resources, and involves high costs.
In this vein, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences has supported the foundation of the Measurements and Observations in the XXI Century (MOXXI) working group with the aim to promote the advancement of novel observational techniques, leading to new sources of information to help better understand the hydrological cycle. The group’s interests revolve around the following pillars:
For instance, precipitation has been measured with moving cars and accelerometers, and water levels have been monitored with game-console remote controls.
This symposium encourages scientists from all realms of geodesy and geophysics to share their innovative ideas to observe Earth processes. Scientists that build their own instruments and/or use existing equipment in innovative ways are highly encouraged to present their approaches and solutions to fellow researchers.
Contributions will address the key issue of providing accurate and reliable measurements at different spatial and temporal scales, in ungauged sites, and in challenging environments.
JP01 - Tides of the Oceans, Atmosphere, Solid Earth, Lakes and Planets (IAPSO, IAHS, IAMAS, IAG)
Convener: Philip Woodworth (UK, IAPSO)
Co-Conveners: Richard Ray (USA, IAPSO), Andreas Richter (Argentina, IAHS), Jean Paul Boy (France, IAG), Jeffrey Forbes (USA, IAMAS)
Invited speakers: Richard Ray (USA), Brian Arbic (USA), Steven Balbus (UK), Duncan Agnew (USA), Jens Oberheide (USA), Luciano Iess (Italy), Andreas Richter (Argentina)
The symposium will be open to any aspect of the science or history of the tides of the ocean, solid earth and atmosphere and of lakes and planets. The science will include the present accuracy of coastal, regional and global ocean tide models, tidal dissipation and its role in geophysics, internal tides and their role in mixing the ocean and in the global ocean circulation, secular changes in tides, new techniques for measuring tides and analysing the data, the role of tides in the origin of life on earth and palaeotides. It will also be open to presentations on earth and atmospheric tides, the tides of lakes and planets and many other aspects of tidal science. The symposium will provide a fitting mark of the 100th anniversary of the Liverpool Tidal Institute which led to many advances in tidal science in the 20th century.
JP02 - The North Atlantic-Arctic System: State, Process, and Change (IAPSO, IAMAS)
Convener: Thomas Haine (USA, IAPSO)
Co-Conveners: Paul Myers (Canada, IAPSO), Takashi Kikuchi (Japan, IAPSO), Rodrigo Caballero (Sweden, IAMAS), Mojib Latif (Germany, IAMAS)
The North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean, Atmosphere, and sea ice system influences regional, hemispheric, and global climate. It is where anthropogenic climate change is most conspicuous, such as the decline in summer-time sea ice, and very uncertain, like the future of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Recognition of these facts in the last decade, and greatly expanded observing networks, are revolutionizing knowledge and understanding of its physical oceanography, biogeochemistry, cryospheric, and atmospheric sciences. This symposium invites contributions quantifying the current state of the North Atlantic/Arctic system, elucidating processes that maintain that state, and investigating how it is changing. The symposium will bring together observers, modelers, and theorists to report latest research.
JP03 - Long-Term Climate Targets: from Emissions to Impacts (IAPSO, IAMAS, IACS, IAHS)
Conveners: Kirsten Zickfeld (Canada, IAPSO)
Co-Conveners: Eric Servat (France, IAHS), Ben Marzelon (Germany, IACS), Aimee Slangen (Netherlands, IACS), Nadine Mengis (Canada, IAMAS)
Long term global temperature and sea level increases are primarily determined by total anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide, though shorter-lived greenhouse gas emissions can also leave a long-term warming legacy. Limiting cumulative greenhouse gas emissions by decreasing net emissions to zero is therefore a prerequisite to stabilize long-term global temperatures and slow down sea level rise. Under the Paris Agreement, the world has committed to limiting long term warming to “well below 2°C” (and ideally to 1.5°C) above pre-industrial temperatures, in an attempt to avoid the most dangerous potential impacts of climate change. The scientific challenge is therefore to understand the climate warming legacy of current greenhouse gas emissions, to determine what levels of long term warming and sea level rise would produce unacceptably damaging impacts, and to better quantify the emissions budgets and pathways that would succeed in avoiding these levels of climate change. In this symposium, we welcome contributions on all aspects of this challenge.
Invited Speakers: Kiya Riverman (USA), Pietro Milillo (USA)
JP04 - Past Changes, in the Atmosphere, Oceans and Cryosphere, and their Relevance for Future Climate. (IAPSO, IAMAS, IACS, IAGA)
Convener: Karen Kohfeld (Canada, IAPSO)
Co-Conveners: Qiuzhen Yin (Belgium, IAMAS), Anne de Vernal (Canada, IAMAS), Tilo von Dobeneck (Germany, IAGA), Molly O. Petterson (USA, IACS)
Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatological research provides information on climate dynamics and biogeochemical cycling through time based on proxy reconstructions or model simulations of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the earth system. This symposium invites a wide range of data- and modeling-based presentations that aim to understand past behaviour of climate, ocean and ice. Submissions are encouraged on a range of topics, including glacial inceptions, millennial climate variability and abrupt change, characteristics of full glacial states, as well as past warm periods and their terminations as a means to better understand the future climate and its impacts on environment and ecosystems.
JP06 - Risk and Maritime Extremes (IAPSO, IAMAS)
Convener: Will Perrie (Canada, IAPSO)
Co-Conveners: Mark Hemer (Australia, IAPSO), Jeniffer Brown (UK, IAPSO), Xiaolan Wang (Canada, IAMAS), David Atkinson (Canada, IAMAS)
Climate change is increasingly impacting on human activities and communities. For example, as a consequence of sea level rise, coastal flooding events occur more often. Over land, heat waves seem to be experienced with increasing frequency. It is essential that society develops the capability to estimate the frequency, magnitude and impact of these extreme events, in order to adapt to and prepare for their changing tendencies and thus to try to mitigate their future impacts.
The objective of this symposium is to stimulate discussion and exchange ideas related to statistical methodologies across the various relevant areas of environmental science, with a focus on maritime studies. Statistical modelling of complex extreme events has developed rapidly in recent years; theoretical analysis has transitioned to multivariate statistical tools with many environmental applications. We hope to examine the state-of-the-art in present approaches and methodologies, identify challenges and opportunities, and motivate new research interactions and developments.
Presentations from all areas of marine environmental science are welcome with a particular emphasis on the combinations of factors that can in some cases be related; our aim is to showcase mesoscale extreme events and to learn from other disciplines to improve maritime risk assessment. Coastal flooding can result from nonlinear interactions of multiple oceanographic, hydrological, geological, and meteorological processes (e.g. tides, sea-level anomalies, storm surge, waves, winds, fluvial discharges, precipitation, beach, loss and land subsidence). Moreover, although exceptional extreme variations of a single process (e.g. storm surge), can result in coastal flooding, the more normal situation is that a combination of notably high values of more than one process constitute the precursor mechanism, thereby making a compound extreme event. Additional topics can consider extremes related to lake-effect (or lake-modified) systems and coastal extreme weather. In many cases, processes are often not stationary, but vary with season, and on time-scales of years, decades, etc., with changing climate. Thus, characteristics of extreme events can may be described as: the extreme nature of the impact rather than individual component factors, the multivariate nature of the impact, and the statistical dependence of component factors.
> U02
JS06 - Old Data for New Knowledge: Preservation and Utilization of Historical Data in the Geosciences (IASPEI, IAG, IAHS, IAGA, IAMAS, IACS, IAPSO, IAVCEI)
Convener: Josep Batlló Ortiz (Spain, IASPEI)
Co-Conveners: Alberto Viglione (Austria, IAHS), József Ádám (Hungary, IAG), Edward Cliver (USA, IAGA), Kris Harper (USA, IAMAS), Bruce Raup (USA, IACS), Florence Fetterer (USA, IACS), E. Pattabhi Rama Rao (India, IAPSO), Roberto Carniel (Italy, IAVCEI)
Studying a changing world needs long series of data. Moreover, reanalysis of old geophysical/geodetic data in the light of our present knowledge has become an important tool for understanding topics such as solar variability, climatic change, tectonics, earth rotation, and extreme natural events (e.g., magnetic storms, hurricanes, rainfall, floods, earthquakes etc.). Those old data are in analogue form and, many times, are contained in unique documents. Historical information may also be retrieved from documentary evidence such as narrative sources and legal-administrative institutional documentation (e.g. chronicles, newspapers, private and official protocols and correspondence, account books, etc.).
Techniques and methodologies for preservation, dissemination, interpretation, homogenisation and use of such data, as well as for their present scientific use are important topics for advancing of our understanding of the changing Earth and of past extreme events. Different approaches have been devised to deal with different data and problems. Sharing the already large accumulated experience in the different fields covered by the IUGG shall contribute to improve our preservation and dissemination tools, our analysis methods and, ultimately, to further research results. This symposium welcomes contributions on:
(a) Locating, assessing, preserving, and disseminating historical data about sunspots, polar motion, time and temperature measurements, magnetograms, seismograms, eruptions, glacier extent, tide gauge records, aurorae, flood/drought events and many others and
(b) Methodologies and study cases using these historical data to advance our understanding of the Earth.
> U04
> U07
JS08 - Climate Modeling, Climate Change and Subsurface Temperature Field (IASPEI, IAHS, IAMAS)
Convener: Vladimir Cermak (Czech Republic, IASPEI), Makoto Taniguchi (Japan, IAHS)
Subsurface temperature field reflects time changes in the ground surface conditions, produced by the changing climate in general. On the local scale other events may modify the downward propagation of this “climate” signal, such as e.g. long-term changes in the vegetation cover, land use, urbanization and other human activities. Borehole climatology developed in the past several decades contributed to the reconstructions of the climate of the past several millennia and proved to be a suitable research tool. We want to invite contributions discussing theoretical aspects of borehole temperature inversion methods as well as papers summarizing new practical inversion results obtained on local, regional and global scales. Welcomed are evidences of the repeated measurements of temperature-depth profiles as a useful direct tool to understand the ongoing global warming, various geothermal aspects of the changing climate (heat island effect) in large megapolis as well as urbanization and its global warming impacts.
JV06 - Tephra Hazard Modelling for Operational Use: Challenges, Successes and New Frontiers (IAVCEI, IAMAS)
Convener: Sara Barsotti (Iceland, IAVCEI)
Co-Conveners: Antonio Costa (Italy, IAVCEI), Andrew Tupper (Australia, IAMAS)
During volcanic eruptions tephra affect the surrounding environment by impacting the ground by pyroclasts fallout and the atmosphere by advected volcanic ash clouds. Our society, economy, environment is always exposed to discomforts and disruptions when similar events occur and assessing hazards associated to explosive eruptions is a crucial goal for the volcanological community. Simulating the dynamics of volcanic processes (from the magma migration to the explosion in the atmosphere) is now a well-established approach to investigate the phenomena and anticipate their possible evolution in time and space. Tephra hazard modelling is nowadays a viable tool to forecast in real-time those areas affected by contamination of ash in the atmosphere and on the ground. The aviation sector benefits significantly from these numerical tools as well as all that part of the population living nearby erupting volcanoes. However, in time of crises is challenging to produce reliable forecast of an event for which estimates of the eruptive source parameters (like mass flow rate, total grain size distribution, plume height) are still unavailable or possibly affected by large uncertainty. The data assimilation process is an essential part of the operational response to constrain the ongoing scenario and adding credibility to the model results. At the same time assessing and communicating uncertainties associated with the measurements, observations and model results is fundamental when numerical products are provided to decision-makers and other stakeholders.
Operational tools need to be robust, fast, accurate and flexible. Large part of the research in the recent years have been investigating on how to improve the operational response by implementing new tool developed in more academic environments. In this symposium we welcome all contributions addressing those steps moved toward bridging science and operations within the tephra numerical modelling sector. Examples from experiences are kindly invited. Goals achieved and open questions will be essential for a fruitful discussion.
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